Neurologic Development Checks

We were designed in a specific manner from conception until full grown, and everything has a window of how and when it should take place. This includes crawling, walking, talking, eating, and more. Many clinicians are not trained to stress the importance in development, and for this reason early intervention can be crucial for optimal development. We recommend a monthly or bi-monthly check to ensure that your child is developing properly and addressed along the way.

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Neuromuscular Rehabilitation

Our brains are designed to work in a specific way and using the right tools and exercises we can thrive, no matter what the issue from ADHD, sensory processing, bed wetting.

Many developmental delays in children can be tracked to missed milestones, dysregulation, or under-development in certain areas of their brains. We utilize specific modalities to activate certain areas in you or your child’s brain such as: vibration therapy, smell therapy, sound therapy, light therapy, exercise programs and more. Each care plan is formulated specifically for you or your child individually.

Primitive Reflex Integration

Primitive reflexes work on a specific time clock and should come online and go away at certain times during development. The persistence of these reflexes past the specific time can cause developmental issues as the child grows, even into adulthood. Working to rid a persistent reflex is all about frequency; the more that you can work the reflex, the better the outcomes and the faster you will see changes.

The 4-Step Brain Activation Program

Helping Children with Developmental Disorders Maximize their Neurologic Potential

  • Nutrition
  • Position the body in an optimal environment to give neurons adequate fuel and increase health.

  • Assessment 
  • Find the weak systems and connections in the brain to create a personalized plan for your child

  • Primitive Reflex Integration
  • Identify developmental restrictions from primitive reflexes that remain dominant to help with learning behavioral problems and learning difficulties.

  • Brain Based Exercises
  • The brain has the ability to create more efficient pathways and connections in the brain through neuroplasticity.


Dr. Waldo was born and raised in Puerto Rico. He completed his undergraduate research at the University of Puerto Rico with a Bachelor of Science and Major in Human Biology. Dr. Waldo’s undergraduate was emphasized in Physiology of Addiction, Proteomics and he earned a publication in Hormones and Behavior and went on to earn his Doctor of Chiropractic at Life University College of Chiropractic.

While at Life, Dr. Waldo received recognition at graduation in the learning theory of critical thinking and his certification in Philosophy, Art and Science of Sacro Occipital Technique™ (SOT) and became President of Sacro Occipital Technic™ club.